Forager World
Following the success of Combine World, Forager World was introduced shortly afterwards in 1995. A group of CLAAS dealer members use a common, regulated platform from which they supply and sell used foragers to an agreed standard.
Forager World has one of the widest choices of machines from a range of manufacturers. The group's reputation has steadily grown over the years and today Forager World remains a highly regarded outlet for used foragers, with over 1,800 sold at a value of over £130m.
Offering local support, knowledge and back up from fully trained, experienced CLAAS engineers, Forager World is one of the largest stockists of used foragers countrywide. All machines are accessible to the customer from any dealer member of the Forager World group. Forager World is your one stop shop for quality used foragers backed by members from the CLAAS dealer network.
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